Assembly of advertising and applying printouts

We realise installation throughout Warsaw and its surroundings, but also across Poland. We work at any time of day and night, from Monday to Friday and on weekends – according to the clients needs.

We offer installation of advertisement and decorative printouts, both indoor and outdoor!

We offer assembly of:

  • Wallpapers,
  • Photo images (photo canvases, prints on canvas),
  • Posters,
  • Exhibition walls,
  • Coffers,
  • Sign boards,
  • Logotypes and luminated 3D letters,
  • …And ANYTHING that is in our competences!


Czas realizacji usługi ustalany jest indywidualnie.

Wyceniamy indywidualnie

Ze wzglę­du na róż­no­rod­ność do­stęp­nych materiałów, for­ma­tów i kształtów
wy­ce­nę przy­go­to­wu­je­my in­dy­wi­du­al­nie.

Order as you like

You can visit us in person, call us or simply write.