Press walls with installation – rental

Advertisement in a Glamour version, right to a “red carpet”! Press wall rental is the perfect form of sponsor promotion during conferences, premiers, or other events. You order, and we take care of everything else: from execution and delivery, to disassembly and storage.

Why is it worth it?

  • Multiple use – order once and use all the time! The same design can be used multiple times – we will take care of storage, and delivery to your chosen events. 
  • Careful execution with attention to detail – our press walls can survive a lot. The high-quality production and metal construction guarantee stability. You need a press wall that can go through anything? Order it from us!
  • Solvent print – high-quality and vivid colours on large format and exceptional resistance to weather conditions: rain, snow, sunlight – for even a couple of years! Outshine others. 
  • Complex service – you do not have to think about the transportation, assembly, and storage. We save your time and energy, by taking care of all the technical aspects. Relief, right?
  • Possibility to choose the size and material – if you would like to order a press wall in sizes other than given in the table below, please contact our sales department ( We can prepare an individual order in chosen size and on any material.

Crucial information:

  • Realisation time: 4 working days
  • Rental period: max. 7 days
  • The price includes: print of the wall design, frame rental, assembly and disassembly in place of exposition and delivery within Warsaw and nearest area.

How to place an order

See what guidelines are necessary for us to maximize the speed of valuation / execution of your order.


Czas realizacji usługi ustalany jest indywidualnie. 

Price list is available only in Polish

Click the flag and check the price list

Pricelist of press wall rentalj  (gross prices)

Rental of press wall 3.10 m x 2.50 m3 814,23 zł
Rental of press wall 6,22 m x 2,50 m 4 242,00 zł
  • Price includes installation, removal of the wall and printing of graphics for it.
  • Have questions contact one of the Account Managers .

Order as you like

You can visit us in person, call us or simply write.

A może inny System?



Rollup to bardzo popularny system reklamowy, który składa się z grafiki zwiniętej w kasetę. Posiadamy 5 rodzai rollupów. 

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Po­ty­ka­cze zwa­ne tak­że sto­ja­ka­mi re­kla­mo­wy­mi lub stan­da­mi to bar­dzo po­pu­lar­na for­ma ko­mu­ni­ka­cji z Klien­tem. Posiadamy 3 rodzaje potykaczy. 

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