Letters, logotypes and different shapes

Decorative attractions in a form of letters, logotypes, and different shapes are a great solution that just asks to be invited for your next party! Pose for a photo with it on a picnic, corporate event or a wedding, and beside a great fun you will also get an original memento.

Why is it worth it?

  • 5-10 mm Satdur material – lightweight, thick and stiff, and that makes it easy to use even for kids. Stadur is easy to hold in hands, hang up on the wall, and take form place to place – it is where the party is.
  • Direct matt print, thereby it does not reflect light and the graphic will be always visible. Vivid colours will be perfectly mapped in photos – without the unsightly reflections. And everything is in place!
  • Any shape – we cut to provided cut line, so letters and logotype shapes can be chosen without limitations. We make your project happen 100%.
  • For indoor use – letters, logotypes and different contour cut shapes made out of Stadur do not like bad weather, that is why we advise to use them indoors. They can get soaked by rain or snow, so its place is under a roof.


Czas realizacji usługi ustalany jest indywidualnie.

Wyceniamy indywidualnie

Ze wzglę­du na róż­no­rod­ność do­stęp­nych materiałów, for­ma­tów i kształtów
wy­ce­nę przy­go­to­wu­je­my in­dy­wi­du­al­nie.

Order as you like

You can visit us in person, call us or simply write.

Elementy wycinane po obrysie

ico-wycinane po obrysie

Litery, logotypy i inne kształty

Litery, logotypy i inne dowolne kształty z dowolnym nadrukiem.

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ico-wycinane po obrysie

Monidła, postacie 1:1

Stojące jednostronne standy z dowolnym nadrukiem i w dowolnym kształcie.

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ico-wycinane po obrysie

Mega puzzle

Puzzle wielkoformatowe z dowolną grafiką,
w każdym rozmiarze.

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