Car Wrapping

Get an advertisement with a WOW effect, which will be a cheap promotion for your business! We wrap cars and other vehicles with a certified advertisement foil. Effect? Aesthetic vehicle, which draws attention to your company.

Why is it worth it?

  • High-quality materials – for car wrapping we only use certified foils – tested, durable and resistant to variable weather conditions, thanks to additional laminate cover. 
  • Specialised assembly teams – hundreds of vehicles have gone through our hands, and their owners keep coming to us with new orders. There is no other way – we have to be really good at what we do.
  • Possibility to work in unusual conditions – we are not afraid to be challenged! We often work at a height, in hangars, outside of our headquarters. We will take care of the wrapping no matter where your car is. 
  • Great organisation and work precision – if we do it, we only do it properly! We will take care of the optimal condition for car wrapping, like the right temperature or dust-free environment, to get the best results. Both aesthetic appearance and durability of advertisement foil.
  • Large-format graphic production – we can prepare a custom, adjusted to your car model graphic design that will fit your company’s visual identification. We will take care of production files, cutting out the printout, and wrapping, and you will get an aesthetic advertisement on your vehicle.

What do we wrap?

  • Cars and fleet vehicles,
  • Delivery vans and trucks,
  • Buses and trams.


Czas realizacji usługi ustalany jest indywidualnie.

Wyceniamy indywidualnie

Ze wzglę­du na róż­no­rod­ność do­stęp­nych materiałów, for­ma­tów i kształtów
wy­ce­nę przy­go­to­wu­je­my in­dy­wi­du­al­nie.

Order as you like

You can visit us in person, call us or simply write.