CAD – printing, scanning, archiving, binding

CAD printouts in a quality never known to men, yet! We offer CAD printout, scanning, archiving of CAD documents and blueprints binding/documents according to the Authority’s requirement. You tell us what you need, and we will take care of everything else.

Why is it worth it?

  • Fast realisation time – you need your blueprint “for yesterday”? No problem, send your file to us and we will get it ready instantly. 
  • Complexity of service – imagine not having to visit two different places. With us everything is at your fingertip. Printing, binding, and most importantly we will deliver it straight to your door. Why compromise, do it as convenient as possible. 
  • High-quality print – both black and white, and in colour. We use high-end plotter, which assure you the most precise and sharp mapping of each detail. 
  • We are all people – do not hesitate to come to us with the most untypical idea or a deadline that seems too unreal to make. We will make it work!

we offer:

  • AutoCAD printing, vector printing, plotting
  • Map and blueprint scanning
  • Archiving and copying technical documents 
  • Inseparable press services (acceptable by the Authority’s office) 
  • Hard and openable covers (loose-leaf binders and greenbinders)
  • Information boards, construction boards, visualisation boards, etc.
  • Printing in formats: A0+, A0, A1, A2, B0, B1, B2,  
  • Plastic and cardboard tube


Realizacja usługi od ręki.

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Price list is available only in Polish

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You can visit us in person, call us or simply write.